
Cookies policy

General information

The data that you provide to us can only be transferred to our Data Processors, who provide us with necessary services for the proper maintenance of our facilities and the proper provision of services: computer maintenance, communications, cleaning of premises, administrative managers, notaries, etc. With these Data Processors, we maintain the corresponding contracts that legitimize these possible transfers.

Cookies are safe since they can only store the information that was placed in their place by the browser, which is information that the user has entered in the browser or that is included in the page request. They cannot execute code and cannot be used to access your computer.

Cookies are essential for the operation of the internet, providing countless advantages in the provision of interactive services, facilitating navigation and usability of a website. Cookies cannot harm your computer, cannot execute code, and cannot be used to access your computer, and having them activated helps to identify and resolve errors.

Some services may use social network connectors (social plugins) such as Facebook, Twitter, Google +, etc. In this case, you should consult the cookie policy of these social networks since, by using social registration, you are authorizing the social network to store cookies.

What types of cookies exist?

Below, we provide more information to better understand the different types of cookies that can be used:

Session cookies: are temporary cookies that remain in the browser's cookie file until the website is exited. They are often used to analyze traffic patterns on the website. In the long run, this allows for a better user experience by improving content and facilitating its use.

Persistent cookies: are stored on the device and the website reads them every time a new visit is made. Despite their name, a persistent cookie has a specific expiration date. The cookie will stop working after that date, which can range from a few minutes to several years. They are generally used to facilitate the different services that websites offer.

First-party cookies: are sent and managed by a team or domain belonging to the website itself that you are visiting.

Third-party cookies: are sent and managed by a third party that is not the web publisher itself. They come from another server. For example, those used by social networks, or by external content such as Google Maps.

Technical cookies: are those that allow the user to navigate through a web page and use the different options or services that exist on it, such as controlling traffic, identifying the user's session, accessing parts of restricted access, remembering the elements that make up an order, making a request for registration or participation in an event, using security elements during navigation, storing content for the dissemination of videos or sound or sharing content through social networks.

Analytical cookies: are those that allow the responsible party to track and statistically analyze the behavior of users on the websites to which they are linked. They are used to measure website activity and to create user navigation profiles for those sites, in order to make improvements based on the analysis of data on how users use the service. They are processed by us and/or by third parties. These cookies collect anonymous/disassociated information from the user, such as the number of users and the time spent, how often the site is visited, the user's origin, keywords, etc. This allows us to improve the range of products and services we offer.

Advertising cookies: are those that, either processed by us or by third parties, allow us to manage the offer of advertising spaces on the web page as effectively as possible, adapting the content of the advertisement to the content of the requested service or to the use made of our website.

Cookies being used in our website

First party cookies

Cookie management

All internet browsers allow you to limit the behavior of a cookie or disable cookies within the browser's settings or options. The steps to do so are different for each browser, and instructions can be found in the help menu of your browser.

Many browsers allow you to activate a private mode, whereby cookies are always deleted after the visit. Depending on the browser, this private mode may have different names.